I am only going to be sharing a small piece of this leak since it is for sale (sales thread will be linked below PM for details)
accounting.json gmritem.json
aggregator.json integratorbooking.json
airportbooking.json integrator.json
airportparkingcharges.json irctcbooking.json
bidrule.json issue.json
booking.json loggingbookingactivity.json
btmetertripdata.json lostnfound.json
calldetails.json merchantaccesstoken.json
carcurrentstatus.json otp.json
carpool.json packagerate.json
carsfreeinzone.json packagescorporateclient.json
cartype.json packages.json
carunavailable.json place.json
citylandmark.json pushnotification.json
citysuburb.json rate.json
citywisebidtime.json reportdefn.json
conveniencecharge.json reportedissue.json
counter.json sapdailyduty.json
custemergencycontact.json servicecity.json
custfavoriteplace.json syetemsettings.json
customer.json taxgroup.json
customerloyaltyprogram.json tax.json
customerwallet.json taxrate.json
driverattendance.json taxtype.json
drivercomplaintregister.json thirdpartyapisettings.json
driverenrollment.json thirdpartyerrorlogs.json
driver.json tripbiddetails.json
driverschedulededuction.json tripbidsummary.json
drivertype.json tripmeterfare.json
driverwalletsummary.json trippackage.json
driverwallettransaction.json tripsosalert.json
employee.json user.json
externalbooking.json userservicecity.json
feedback.json zohoaccounts.json
financialyear.json zohorequests.json
fueltype.json zohosolutions.jsonPLEASE READ
gmrairportduty.json zone.json
There are over 200k users, and over 1.5 million bookings details
The dump totals over 8GB and the bookings file itself is almost 4GB
I will only be sharing portions of some of the best files and these will act as the samples for my sales thread
I am still parsing the data, so PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE UNLOCKING:
Quote:Right now there are ONLY 100 ENTRIES from the users table in this hidden content
Data is in JSON format
I will be adding another 100 entries from the bookings table when the 4gb file loads
I will also be adding 100 entries from some other important setsThis will take some time but if you have already unlocked the content, then you will be able to see the new info as I edit the thread
Please subscribe to the thread so you get alerts when there are new posts, I will post here ITT as I edit/update the thread with more content
[Hidden Content]
If you are interested in purchasing CLICK HERE (thread coming in just a few min) or just PM me, price will be in the ball park of $2,500 USD for just the biggest 2 files or $5,000USD for all of the data (over 7 million records) which include phone numbers names address details IP addresses and so much more but the price IS negotiable (I may be willing to accept $2,750 if you are ready with BTC/XMR right that moment and know that you 100% want this info), again just PM me or see sales thread for further details and we can work out a price. Sales thread with more business details coming soon as mentioned above
The post MAJOR Indian Hotel Full dump [Fresh India Leads] first appeared on Vijay Shetty.
[source: https://vijayshetty.co.in/major-indian-hotel-full-dump-fresh-india-leads.html]